Open book on the table depicting knowledge
Open book on the table depicting knowledge
Skin Type Skin Type
The most widely used scale to indicate skin type is the Fitzpatrick Scale, named after Thomas B. Fitzpatrick who defined it in 1975. A person's skin type indicates how sensitive...
Self Protection Time of the Skin Self Protection Time of the Skin
The skin's self-protection time is the time that unprotected skin can be exposed to the sun before it burns. It is individual for each person and depends on the UV...
Vitamin D and Bones Vitamin D and Bones
The impact of vitamin D on bone health has been extensively researched and continues to be an important topic in biomedical research. The most important impact vitamin D has on...
UV and the Immune System UV and the Immune System
One of the important effects vitamin D has on the body is its influence on the immune system. For a long time, researchers only suspected the positive influence of the...
Vitamin D Vitamin D
In addition to all other vitamins and important nutrients, vitamin D occupies a special position. Vitamin D has many known effects in the human body and other effects are still...
UV Radiation UV Radiation
Ultraviolet radiation is part of the sun's rays that reach the earth. About ten percent of it. A distinction is made between UVA, UVB and UVC radiation. The latter is...
UV-Index UV-Index
The UV index is a measure of the strength of UV radiation in sunlight at a given moment. The scale starts at UV index 0 (no UV radiation) and is...
UV Dose UV Dose
The UV index is a measure of the intensity of radiation at a given moment. However, the effects of UV radiation depend on the total amount of UV to which...
Sunburn Sunburn
The longer we stay in the sun, the more its rays affect our skin. Our body can deal with some of the UV rays on its own. We see it...
Vitamin D: Pill or Sun? Vitamin D: Pill or Sun?
People have different attitudes towards how they get their nutrients. Some prefer to eat mostly natural products. You put together an individual nutrient program for this purpose. In order to...
Skin Cancer Skin Cancer
Skin cancer, these are malignant dark spots on our skin that appear suddenly. Is correct? Skin cancer has many faces. The best known is malignant melanoma, also known as black...
Effects of UV Radiation Effects of UV Radiation
The sun has a number of important effects on the human body. Most of these have to do with the UV radiation in sunlight. The problem with this is that...